Setting a protective personal boundary is an act of self love and self compassion. Many of us haven’t learnt how to have these limits or imaginary lines. They can be pretty important for our self esteem and our sense of wellbeing. Discussing boundaries and ways to establish them in your world is a regular topic…
How to Deal with Grief
How to Deal with Grief The book arrives and I am excited – I flip through pages. These are the first lines I read “the new model of grief is not in cleaning it up and making it go away. It’s in finding new and beautiful ways to inhabit what hurts. It’s in finding the…
How To Rest More
Daring To Rest – written by Karen Brody Review by Jane Macnaught Rest and sleep are craved by many of us as we seek to slow down our lives and focus on what makes us feel more connected, less anxious and well rested. In her book, Karen Brody encourages women to rest more fully. The…
Book Review: The Book Of Joy by The Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu
The Book Of Joy by The Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu “In April 2015, Archbishop Tutu travelled to the Dalai Lama’s home in Dharamsala, India, to celebrate His Holiness’s eightieth birthday and to create this book as a gift for others. They looked back on their long lives to answer a single burning question: how do…
Book Review: The Art Of Happiness by The Dalai Lama
The Art of Happiness – Handbook for Living by Dalai Lama “The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living is a practical, inspirational guide that combines the wisdom of the Dalai Lama’s eastern spiritual tradition with human happiness expert Dr Howard C. Cutler’s western perspective. From health, self-esteem, family and relationships to anger, stress, anxiety and jealousy, they…
Book Review: Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Daring Greatly by Brene Brown “Every time we are introduced to someone new, try to be creative or start a difficult conversation, we take a risk. We feel uncertain and exposed. We feel vulnerable. Most of us try to fight those feelings – we strive to appear perfect. But in a powerful new vision Dr.…
Book Review: Salt by Nayyirah Waheed
Salt by Nayyirah Waheed “Salt is a journey through warmth and sharpness. This collection of poetry explores the realities of multiple identities, language, diasporic life & pain, the self, community, healing, celebration, and love.” (ref Amazon) “Waheed tackles some important and tough subjects like the African diaspora, motherhood, the ways in which feminism can benefit…
Book Review: Waking The Tiger – Healing Trauma by Peter Levine
Peter Levine: Waking The Tiger – Healing Trauma. “Nature’s Lessons in Healing Trauma… Waking the Tiger offers a new and hopeful vision of trauma. It views the human animal as a unique being, endowed with an instinctual capacity. It asks and answers an intriguing question- why are animals in the wild, though threatened routinely, rarely…
Book Review: The Body Remembers by Babette Rothschild
Babette Rothschild: The Body Remembers “This book shines a bright light on the impact of trauma on the body and the phenomenon of somatic memory. It is now thought that people who have been traumatized hold an implicit memory of traumatic events in their brains and bodies. In essence, the body of the traumatized individual…
Book Review: The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk
Bessel van der Kolk: The Body Keeps The Score – Mind Brain And Body In The Transformation Of Trauma “The effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world’s experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and…