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44 Sleep Tips

Not sleeping very well? Broken sleep, or maybe you take ages to fall asleep?

You might find that lack of sleep is causing issues in many facets of your life OR are troubles in your life, disrupting your sleep? Anxiety, grief and trauma can cause emotions that intrude into sleep patterns.

Sleeping challenges? You are not alone. Sleep issues are at epidemic levels with many people in our community getting much less than the recommended 7-8 hours each night. When we sleep well we enjoy a good mood, more energy, improved health and a better chance of a longer life.

More women report problems with sleep deprivation and this interestingly, is not related to motherhood – women without children also complain. Levels of sleep-promoting estrogen sink regularly during menstruation and then permanently in menopause. Associated symptoms: cramps, headaches, hot flashes, and night sweats – can really disrupt slumber.

Sleep deprivation does not have to be endured. “Feeling tired should never be considered normal,” says Dr. B

reus (prevention.com)
Discover many of the solutions that have worked for others – I have found 44! Try an experiment with a few of the ideas listed below; test a different technique or two until you work out what helps you. It may take a week or two to notice any benefits.

Simply making one change may be all you need to improve your sleep, or you might need to employ a combination of new ideas.
“Sleep is a basic biological necessity—just like eating—and it has an impact on every aspect of your health and your life,” Lawrence Epstein MD (prevention.com))

Sleep is enhanced when we are tuned into the rhythms of the sun and your internal body clock known as the circadian rhythm. It is only since the advent of electricity and artificial light use after sunset that sleep disorders have become prevalent.

There may also be an emotional issue that is occupying your thoughts and creating feelings of anxiety, or recurring thoughts from grief, trauma… or other difficulties are emerging: quick temper, drinking more alcohol, issues at work, more accidents and mistakes, low mood (maybe depression), high blood pressure, overweight. Many of life’s problems are associated with poor sleep.

Mum would always say “a good nights sleep can fix many problems”. And it seems that through the generations it is agreed that everyone can benefit from making sleep a priority. Once the sun goes down everything you do can be organised to help you sleep soundly.

I know I’m making this sound easy and straightforward, and yes: it can be really hard! Stressful jobs, long commutes, active social lives, shopping, cooking and running after children… so many reasons why getting enough shut-eye can be difficult. And then when you get a chance to rest maybe it is really hard to slow down. I invite you now to check out this list, read with an open mind and curiosity: see if there are some ideas that you feel you could try, be experimental.


Get your copy of 44 Sleep Tips and learn how to sleep more soundly.

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