About 20% of the population live with an anxious attachment style. The development of an anxious attachment style is often associated with parents who were inconsistently responsive to our needs. Sometimes primary caregivers /parents may have been supportive and responsive, and at other times they were mis-attuned and needs were not met. Primary Caregivers /…
Do you know your Attachment Style?
What is my attachment style? Are you Anxious, Avoidant or Secure? This is the question Dr Amir Levine and Rachel S.F Heller ask in their book “Attached” and can lead to a greater understanding of the dynamics of our close relationships. As adults, we inter-relate with each other based on one of the three most…
Understanding Codependency
Understanding Codependency Overly Invested ‘Co-dependent’, it’s a term most of us have heard but perhaps don’t completely understand. Co-dependency can be understood as being overly invested in the decisions, feelings, circumstances, and outcomes of the people in your life, to the detriment of your own wellbeing. Initially co-dependency was believed to be an aspect of…
Helpful Reading To Improve Relationships
What would your relationship therapist suggest you read? If you are interested in reading a book to enhance your relationships then perhaps one of these 23 titles from the library of Mukti Jarvis of Every Day Love will be ideal – have a read through the descriptions and you can purchase direct from us here…